Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What does this dream mean? What would happen if it were real?

So I wake up in the morning and find my floor covered in a layer of ****. For the purpose of this question, (and to refrain from using inappropriate words) I shall refer to it as Poo. So back to my floor. It was covered in a layer of poo that was quickly rising. I jumped off my bed and waded through the poo to my kitchen. There, I saw my dog at my refrigerator devouring my food and pooing like there was no tommorow. It was like a cycle...the dog eats nonstop, and poos nonstop. I start yelling at it to halt its activities, but instead, it turned around and said "Game Over, BOY!" in an Arnold Schwarzenegger accent. Then, I grab some dude (from thin air i guess? I dunno how these dreams work) and force him to start eating the dog poo, which by now has reached my chest. I realized that my plan has been futile once the guy starts pooing as well. (He eats the poo, then shits the poo out again...thus no work is being done to remove the poo from my house) I, in desperation waded through the poo to the balconey window (I live in an apartment) and tried to open it. While all this is happening, the dog is doing somersaults in his poo, and having the time of his life while laughing at my futile attempts. My friend then comes along. For the purposes of this question, I will refer to him as Saeid. So Saeid brings along his particle assembly machine and turns the poo into diamonds which he then distributes to the world and causes massive inflation...I drop the dog down my balconey window, and while he drops I hear him say, "Ill be BACK!" in that Arnold Schwarzenegger voice again. I wake up only to realize that it was just a dream.... So my question stands...What does this dream mean? and What would happen if it were actually true?

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